Friday, October 31, 2008

one more about the upcoming election

I know we are all sick and tired of hearing about the election and the ‘issues’ surrounding it, but I just felt compelled to send this to everyone in a sort-of last-ditch effort to get it across to everyone what I believe God is trying to say to all of us. The first part of the email is just an idea for everyone to consider (I think it’s an awesome idea!) and the second part is a prophetic word that was given to someone at church. Hopefully, you will all read it to the end and be convicted by Holy Spirit to act.
When did we become so complacent about things like our right to vote? The day we start to look at these ‘rights’ as no longer being privileges is the day that we no longer recognize the suffering and are no longer thankful for the sacrifices that were made to give us these ‘rights’…including the one that was made for us on the cross at Calvary. I personally will not stand before the throne of judgment and give an account of why I did not do what I could to stop the murdering of unborn children or for not letting my voice be heard regarding the wickedness of man and proliferation of his deceitful desires. Paul told the Ephesian church…”not to live as the [world]…who, having lost all sensitivity, gave themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity with a continual lust for more.” Eph. 5:17-19 (niv) (just a side note…I saw a commercial on tv the other day for the roofing company…using a sexy model laying on the roof of a house! What does sex have to do with getting a new roof? Really! I mean, come on!)

The fact that abortion and homosexuality have become ‘issues’ says to me that we need to stand up and speak up and anyone who wants to lower taxes but aligns himself favorably with either of these ‘issues’ does not deserve my vote. Eph. 5:15-16 (niv) says, “be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil.” If this was really not a big deal, then I don’t think Paul would have warned us to be ‘very’ careful…!

Someone told me not too long ago that they had decided after getting a negative response to an email regarding the political issues, that they were no longer going to forward or send emails that spoke against, or for, either candidate. My heart ached and I just thought that if Paul had stopped warning the churches of Corinth and Ephesus because someone didn’t like what he was saying, then how would they have ended up? My response to her was that if I reach only one person and they make a decision based on how things line up with the word and the will of God, then it’s worth a thousand negative reactions.

I guess the bottom line is this: we need to grow up and stop playing Christians and start accepting the fact that the world is full of ‘Christians’ who are dying in sin and we can do something about it. And if we don’t, then we will stand before the throne of judgment on that day and have to account for both our words and deeds, or the lack thereof…and hear Father God say, “sorry, but I don’t know you!”
Thanks for reading this far….hopefully, you will continue reading.

10/25, 2008; Prophetic Word; given to K. Mitchell; Subject: “A heavy word from the Lord about the Election” KJV:Isaiah {21:11a} Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night?{21:12a} The watchman said, …Friends,On Thursday, the Lord called me to go out into the neighborhoods around our home to do a prayer walk. As I walked, I looked at each house and spoke these words, that He had given to me to speak:"Fear the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ... know His truth and walk in it! Vote for Life!"That prayer walk was a powerful experience ... one which I would highly recommend for each of you do. Get a partner to go along with you. Perhaps many of you could meet as a group to pray, and then divide up the streets and neighborhoods; going out in teams. You could do this kind of thing through a mall or through an office complex as well. It could be quite incredible speaking this simple declaration, while driving around the belt line interstate loop in your city, if you have one. I did my prayer walk during the day, when there were few people to notice me. Whenever/however the Lord calls you to step out in this way, “do it.” The anointing upon this act of obedience was very strong. KJV:Psalms{111:10} The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever. KJV:Proverbs{9:10} The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. Before I write the second part of this short note to you, I need to tell you that I am writing it in a deep sense of the Fear of the Lord. When I finished my prayer walk, I asked the Lord what the consequences will be, if His word of truth and if His mandates are ignored in this Election. God answered my question. My husband has confirmed that this report of God's answer is to go out to each of you right now. The fear of the Lord upon me is the result of the responsibility I bear in presenting you such a message. If I do not share the message, the accountability upon me as a watch woman, is too overwhelming to think about. If, after I have shared this message with the Body, it is then ignored, the accountability will be very high upon everyone who has read/heard it. The consequences could be devastating. As I share this message, and as we receive similar messages from other people of God on these issues, none of us will be able to stand before the Lord one day and say that we didn't understand the situation ... that we didn't know what was a stake, or what He wanted us to do. We will have no place to stand before Him on this matter at all. So here is the word I received. Please pray before you read it.Here is what He said ...
10/23, 2008: "A great charge will come down upon the shepherds of my flocks ... against those who did not vote for Life, when the choice between sin and righteousness has been placed so clearly before you. A great price will be come down to be paid, not only for the choice the leaders personally make, but also upon them for not instructing their flocks to stand with My holiness and with My word on this matter. Every one, who has been entrusted with leadership in any form will be charged this price for indifference to Me, expressed in their silence. There is no option of refusing to cast a vote. Lukewarm is always rejected by Me. Men have tried to proclaim this Election to be a matter of color. I too have declared it as such, but not one of skin color. The color I see in this Election is red. I see the blood of the innocent, shed for human convenience and prosperity, and I am filled with grief and anger. For each one who makes a choice with a vote to support the murder of the innocent in the womb ... for each one who casts a vote in favor of one who will legislate rebellion against My commanded order for the covenant between a man and a woman ... for each one of these violations and for others against My holiness ... legislating against the life and the truth I have entrusted to you ... a great opportunity for destruction will now come. Each person who votes for the prosperity of abortion death, will open a great door into his home, into his life, and into his family for the spirit of Death to enter in freely. Death will come in many forms, and it will not be turned back from those who made a covenant of acceptance with it, through their vote. Hear Me ... this thing will be of your own doing, and these consequences in death will come to you by your own choice, because of your alliance with Death, made against my decree for Life. You have asked for guidance and for My heart, but so many have cast it aside to worship at their own altar of prideful intellectualism, materialism, and freedom. This Election will be like no other election to this day. My patience has been expended concerning this matter. This is an election of Life and Death; affecting not only nations, but also individuals who have claimed to know Me within those nations. Choose this day who is your authority. Choose this day whose word is truth. By your vote you will declare it. By your vote, either I will protect you, or I will step back to allow that which you have chosen to defend with your freedom and vote, to come upon you. Truly I say to you, choose Life!"KJV:Joshua{24:15} And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.KJV:Deuteronomy{30:19} I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:K. Mitchell

Tuesday, October 7, 2008 i'm REALLY ticked....

first, i apologize for not sounding very lady-like, but, i'm ticked off. i just happened across an article stating that some executives of AIG (the company that our tax dollars are now being used to bail out of a careless financial mess) were sent on a retreat to a spa/resort in CA. the tab came to approx. $440,000. what is wrong with this picture?! that's more money than paul and i will make in 10 years! and, the saddest part of it all is that we are still going to bail them out at the tune of some ungodly amount of money!!! MY HARD-EARNED MONEY...which by-the-way isn't enough for me to afford even the luxury of getting a stupid manicure every 3 or 4 weeks! go figure! people are losing their jobs left and right, gas prices are ridiculous, groceries are outrageous and yet these dumb-butts who've been allowed to run this huge comglomarate into the ground are getting pampered and refreshed at one of the most expensive and exclusive resorts in the country...for....what????? another tough day on the golf course?!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

one amazing weekend..!

I just have to say that this past weekend at Destiny Church was truly one of the highlights of our time here so far. We were blessed and honored to be a part of the live recording of Tyler Vaughn's worship album. It was definitely a time of coming together for all of us. And, even though some of the songs were new to us, no one seemed to be deterred by that fact. It was awesome to hear everyone lifting their voices as one and to see so many being filled with the very presence of God Almighty. It was truly one amazing weekend! I, for one, was honored to be a part of such an amazing event.
If you haven't gotten a chance to hear Tyler and witness the way he moves in the Spirit of worship, then you will most definitely want to get a copy of the CD when it comes out. i promise you won't be disappointed.
You can also go to his blog site ( and read what he has to say.